dimanche 25 novembre 2012

madeleines -for Marilyn O'Laughlin... & some others

born in Commercy, lorraine, this delicious baked little cake is also a pleasure to look at... and smell, especially just out of the oven - it is supposed to be good to taste, slightly cooled or at room temperature : I must admit I prefer to wait for the day after to appreciate it.
Proust, in La Recherche du Temps perdu, immortalised this scallop shaped treasure!

ingredients :

1 cup of flour, sieved
1/4 packet of baking powder
a zest of lemon
3/4 cup of melted butter
4 eggs
3/4 cup of sugar

preparation : 25mn

waiting time : 1 hour

cooking time : 10-12mn

1. grate the zest of the lemon. slowly melt the butter in a saucepan.

2. in a cul-de-poule (mixing bowl : love the name! which means chicken's arse), thoroughly mix the sugar & the eggs till white.

3. add the lemon zest, sieved flour and baking powder - mix, then add the melted butter - mix again till homogeneous.

4. leave to rest in the fridge, at least 1 hour

5. after one hour, preheat the oven to 190° - fill 3/4 of each shell in the mould with the preparation
put in the oven for 10-12mn then wait till the madeleines are cooled to remove from the mould

et voilà... bon appétit!

TAG : http://recettes.de/lorraine

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